NBU presents beta version of its new website

The Ukrainian central bank says its new website has a state-of-the-art interface.

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The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has presented the beta version of its new website.

Closing of the old version of the site and full transfer to the new site are scheduled for the end of this year. During simultaneous work of both site versions, the official primary source of information shall be the current version of the central bank's site, the NBU reports.

"A new NBU website will no longer simply display data, it will serve as a link between the regulator and its clients, and an instrument for creating awareness and trust. This is a coherent communication system intended to promote Vision, Mission and affirm Values of the central bank," Head of the Information and Public Communications Office Nataliia Bondarenko said.

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The central bank says it has shifted from the "big complicated encyclopedia" concept to a site with structured accessible content and a user-friendly interface.

The NBU has converted to new principles of content presentation using simple and plain language to outline complicated economic concepts. Thus, huge text blocks are replaced with short blocks, comprehensible infographics, video files, as well as links to documents and data.

The website has a state-of-the-art interface designed to create new user experience. The website design has a complete adaptive version for smartphones, tablets, notebooks and PCs.

The new site is divided into the following blocks: sections for main functions of the NBU, for instance, pages devoted to monetary policy, supervision, payments and settlements; block "Instruments," where users can find statistics, legal framework archive, glossary etc.; a user profile to register for regulator's events, send questions and file appeals, receive replies, manage subscriptions, and store user data sets.

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