Average salary in Ukraine up 10% in 2018

Wages in IT (UAH 15,518, or $558.57), research and development (UAH 15,490, or US$557.56), and insurance (over UAH 18,000, or $647.91) stood above the national average.

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The average salary in Ukraine in December 2018 amounted to UAH 10,573 ($380.58), which is 2.8 times higher than the minimum wage, according to the State Statistics Service.

Real wages in December grew 14.5% against November, while the growth throughout the year was 9.7%.

In industry, wages averaged UAH 11,563 ($416.21).

Wages in IT (UAH 15,518, or $558.57), research and development (UAH 15,490, or $557.56), and insurance (over UAH 18,000, or 647.91) stood above the national average.

Read alsoBusinesses reporting real salaries brings extra UAH 1.3 bln Ukrainian budget – Fiscal Service

The average salary in Kyiv was UAH 16,500 ($593.92).

As UNIAN reported, the average nominal wage of a full-time employee in November 2018 increased year-on-year by 22.5%, up to UAH 9,161 ($329.75).

From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage in Ukraine increased from UAH 3,723 ($134.01) to UAH 4,173 ($150.21).

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