Bypassing Russia: Yatsenyuk shows map of New Silk Road to Asia

Russian transit ban and trade embargo will not prevent Ukrainian freight transportation to Central Asia, that’s according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk who revealed in his Facebook posting a map of a new cargo route to Asia bypassing the Russian Federation.

Launching a new freight train on the new Silk Road - from the Ukraine through Georgia and Azerbaijan to Central Asia would allow Ukrainian exporters to bypass transit and trade embargo imposed by Moscow early January 2016.

Read alsoUkraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia agree on freight transportation rates"Today, the first experimental shipping on a route Ukraine - Georgia - Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan – China is launched. This will be a new route of the Silk Road and the alternative way of delivery of cargo from from Ukraine to these markets bypassing Russia,” said the head of government. “Thanks to the government's decision on launching this train, the Ukrainian and European products will get to the Central Asian states despite restrictions under the Moscow sanctions. Russian transit and trade embargo will not prevent transportation of our goods to the markets of Central Asia."