Ukrnafta wants to sell gas on Ukraine's domestic market

Ukraine's largest oil producer, Ukrnafta, plans to begin selling natural gas in the domestic market of Ukraine as early as 2018, the company's press service reported on Facebook with reference to Deputy CEO Jonathan Popper.

"Ukrnafta will enter the domestic market with a free volume of gas in 2018. The contract with PJSC Dneproazot is valid until the end of the year and will not be extended," the report says.

According to the press service, Ukrnafta is an important company for domestic gas production. It can increase gas production by 50%, up to 1.9 billion cubic meters by 2025, reads the report.

Popper also believes that the government should focus more on the problems of the oil industry.

"In terms of energy independence, the government should pay attention not only to gas but also to oil. The country spends more money on imports of petroleum products than on natural gas imports. The country has almost lost its oil refining and could lose its oil industry if the government keeps ignoring these problems," he said, according to the report published in Ukrainian.

Read alsoUkrnafta says ready for auditAs UNIAN reported, in late July, Ukrnafta announced the beginning of a search for external investors in oil and gas projects, as well as in projects for upgrading hydrocarbon processing facilities.

UNIAN memo. Ukrnafta is Ukraine's largest state-owned oil and gas company. It accounts for about 70% of oil and condensate production, and 11% of gas extraction. Ukrnafta is one of the key players in the retail market for petroleum products in Ukraine: the company owns more than 560 fuel filling stations across the country.

Ukrnafta's shares are listed on the Ukrainian Exchange (UX) and the PFTS Stock Exchange (Kyiv). Depositary receipts for company's shares are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.