Mistral builder says it still has no export license for ships

French company DCNS, the builder of two Mistral-class helicopter carrier assault ships under a contract from Russia, is still waiting for the French government to issue the required export licenses, a DCNS representative said on Wednesday.

"In this regard, it’s impossible at the current stage to determine the date of the deliveries," DCNS’s Gaudez Emmanuel told Russian online newspaper Gazeta.ru.

As earlier reported, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on Wednesday announced that the Russian state-owned Rosoboronexport has received an invitation to take delivery of the first Mistral warship from France on November 14.

Rogozin tweeted a picture of the letter of invitation from DCNS to back up his claim.

At the same time, the French government has not confirmed that the Mistral-class helicopter carriers will be delivered to Russia as earlier planned.

In September, French President Francois Hollande said that if the political conditions did not change, he did not envisage giving authorization for the delivery of the ships.