Tymoshenko disclosed how she was pressed

She vows to regularly publicize information about the pressure

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko vows to regularly publicize information about the pressure put on the government.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, Yulia Tymoshenko claimed this to a press conference in the Cabinet of Ministers on Saturday.

“Since March 1, I will inform about every step of pressure upon the government, and I will clearly define this pressure”, Yulia Tymoshenko said.

At the same time, the Prime Minister refused to specify who or what state agency put pressure upon the government. “The unity of the democratic coalition is first of all”, she said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on March 1, the Prime Minister disclosed that the government was forced to pay off the debts on gas supplies, which accumulated last year. “The government was, in fact forced, pressed, blackmailed, to pay off on the corrupt models of the last year – for October, November, December, when Boyko and his team, connected with RosUkrEnergo, and UkrGas-Energo, took away the money and did not pay for gas”, Yulia Tymoshenko stressed.