19% of Ukrainians believe that Yanukovych did more than anyone for signing of Agreement on association with EU – poll

Some 19% of Ukrainians believes that President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych did more than anyone for signing of the Agreement on association with EU.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, these are results of the poll carried out by Research&Branding Group company; director of the company Yevgeniy Kopat’ko presented these results today.

Some 7% of those polled believe that leader of the Batkivshchyna faction Arseniy Yatsenyuk did more that anyone for signing of the Agreement on association with the EU, some 6% of those polled believe it is ex Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who did more than anyone for that, some 5% of those polled believe that it is leader of the UDAR party Vitaliy Klitschko did more than anyone for signing of the agreement and some 3% of those polled believe that it is lawmaker Petro Poroshenko did more than anyone for signing of the Agreement on association with the EU, and some 50% found difficulty in replying.

At the same time Y. Kopat’ko noted that this question was open that it is why variants of answers were not offered to respondents.

The poll was carried out on September 15-25 by a personal interview method in 24 oblasts of Ukraine, Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol. 3117 people were polled.