Yatsenyuk does not want to scare but funeral can take place on March 13

According to the words of A. Yatsenyuk, “if it is not NATO, it is Holodomor. If it is not Holodomor – so it is Russian language, if it is not Russia language – it is Lutsenko, if it is not Lutsenko – it is Shufrych – or something else. It is endless range”.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk says that on February 13 the counting out of the 30 days term is started, after which the snap election because of incapacity of parliament can be declared.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, he said this to journalists today.

A. Yatsenyuk underlined that “nobody is about to scary anybody”, there is the direct constitutional norm.

A. Yatsenyuk also noted that there will be not attempts to carry out the session of the parliament with the aim of delay the possible dismissal of the parliament: “Nobody will go for the resuming of this term”. “Either the parliament will work systematically or it will be buried”, said A. Yatsenyuk.

He explained that he did not see the necessity today in the carrying out the of Conciliatory Council, because no faction from the minority submitted the propositions in the political agreement, proposed by him with the aim to unblock the work of the VR and only the OU-PSD and the BYUT said about the readiness to sign this agreement at the session of the leaders of the factions.

According to the words of the Speaker of the VR, he proposed the entire package of the compromises, but “this range of instruments, unfortunately, is not interested for people, who block the work of the parliament”.

A. Yatsenyuk said that not “in the sphere of NATO is the problem of the Ukrainian parliament”. According to his words “if it is not NATO, it is Holodomor. If it is not Holodomor – so it is Russian language, if it is not Russia language – it is Lutsenko, if it is not Lutsenko – it is Shufrych – or something else. It is endless range”.

A. Yatsenyuk noted that speaking with factions face to face, the consensus is found, but when “we go away for different sides these or that political intrigues start again”. “Some political forces think that inclination for compromise is the display of weakness”, noted A. Yatsenyuk. He proposed to the leaders of the factions to arrange, “if there is the subject for arrangements”.

Answering for the accusations of some his colleagues that he does not enter to the session hall and does not make an attempt to start the session of the parliament, A. Yatsenyuk said that the plenary sessions can be started “when the presidium and tribune are not blocked. It they are blocked it is no sense to enter there”.

A. Yatsenyuk noted that he is ready to go to the session of the faction of OU-PSD if he is invited there. He noted that he works with all factions of the parliament.