Earthlings sent the ninth message beyond the solar system

Press release

The mission was named "Ray of Dreams" and became the largest in history!

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On September 28, the ninth message ever was sent to the outer space. The event took place at the Center for Space Research and Communication in Lviv region. The message from Ukraine was named the Space Mission "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') and became the greatest one in the history! The Mission was implemented by the National Space Facilities Control and Test Center together with the 1 + 1 media staff producing "Zdiysny mriyu" ('Make a Dream') charitable project.

The latter implies the launch into the outer space of more than 100 thousand children's drawings of dreams collected from all over Ukraine during the art-marathon #mykidsdream (#moyadytiachamriya) . Mission coordinators are sure, that every child will see how a little dream depicted on the paper can become a part of the larger Universe, and will understand the importance of no-limits dreaming and striving for grandiose accomplishments.

It took the Center's scientists half a year to work out new technologies. Then all the drawings were digitized and encrypted by a specially created algorithm for converting drawings from prime numbers into the code. The children's drawings were sent by radio signal for a distance of 41 light years at the speed of 300,000 km/s.

For this Mission 19 the most probably habitable planets, provided in a cataloque of 4044 NASA exoplanets, had been selected. For this purpose, experts processed the study results received from the Arecibo Observatory, University of Puerto Rico, and calculated which planets and stars will be visible from the Center of Lviv region. Finally, the team have chosen the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system in Aquarius. Scientists assert that there are 4 exoplanets 87% similar to Earth. So, there is a high probability of life being thereon. In order to analyze the surface similarity nineteen environmental factors with the focus on water availability were used.

The volume of drawings to be launched is incredible - as much as 3 terabytes. They will be sent to the outer space within a month from the Center for Space Research and Communication!

The message to TRAPPIST-1 will fly for 41 light years. But scientists assume that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may intercept the signal much earlier.

Michael Gillon, a world-known astronomer, who discovered the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system in 2017, and a person included by the Times to "The 100 Most Influential People in the World" list, standed for the Space Mission. He told about the potential life on the planets where the "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') was sent:

"There is a probability of life existence on the TRAPPIST-1. So, this planetary system is very good one to send messages to. These planets are clearly not perfect Earth twins, but still, in theory, live could have developed on some of them. Furthermore, the system is probably older than our Sun, old enough for complex forms of life to maybe have emerged from natural selection processes, including, who knows, some sentient creatures. But it is a very exciting and inspiring scenario! Sending a message to TRAPPIST-1 in the hope of an answer 80 years from now is not a leap of faith, it is an act of hope. The hope that other sentient creatures exist in the heavens, entities with who we could communicate and finally leave our "cosmic loneliness".

The scientist also highly appreciates the idea of the "Zdiysny mriyu" ('Make a Dream') charitable project implementation: "We're down to earth so much and forget dreaming. But science and astronomy help us understand how small we are in the Universe. I admire and support the "Zdiysny mriyu" ('Make a Dream') project. It is a very good initiative showing children the magic of science. Furthermore, it focuses on a category of kids that are too often left behind by our societies, kids with serious disabilities who can sometimes fell coerced towards a dark future by their impairment, to a spectator role in our world. The messages that we must provide them is that all human beings on this planet matter and can achieve great things, that their disability does not define them, that the magic and beauty of our Universe is theirs too. This is why I totally support the "Zdiysny mriyu" project. “

The Mission was also discussed by leading scientists from across the Europe at the International astronomical conference "Collaboration with EU and Radio Astronomical Horizons". Francisco Colomer, a well-known Spanish astronomer, a member of the International Astronomical Union, commented: "Mankind is being existing for over 2 million years, and even more. Perhaps other civilizations just cannot perceive our messages. The real problem is the right contact. I think the Space mission "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') is critically important for the mankind."

The messages sent into the outer space before were material or in the form of radio signals. The purpose was to find and establish a connection with alien civilizations.

One of NASA's most famous astronauts, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, commented on the largest attempt to reach out to extraterrestrial civilizations: "The Mission is very important to science. For many years, mankind has been interested whether any extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the Universe. So, launching the "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') into cosmic space is a powerful way to get in touch with such civilizations and inform them about our presence here on the Earth. We hope, this particular signal will be responded to.”

The drawings launched into the Space depict the such dreams of children as peace, find a family, return home, be healthy, play football with the Martians, travel to space with a mom, become a cat, grow a mermaid's tail, eat delicious food, find new sources of energy, learn to fly, stop animals dying and time flying, open a portal of happiness, visit the magical forest, as well as many other incredible ideas and hopes. 

The Space mission "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') was launched live by TSN**. The launch button was pressed at the Center for Space Research and Communication in Zolochiv by children-authors of drawings from all over Ukraine, Victor Ozhinsky, Head of the Center, and Lidiya Taran, TV presenter and supervisor of the "Zdiysny mriyu" ('Make a Dream') project. The capital of Ukraine stayed also tuned: the launching process was observed by the Command post of the State Space Agency and by young patients of Okhmatdyt hospital. On the central street of Kyiv a ray of light flew into the sky. In such a way 3D mapping and alternate reality "gave life" to children's drawings. The launch of the "Promin mriy" ('Ray of Dreams') in TSN live was observed by millions of viewers.

Before the project launch, the representatives of the State Space Agency of Ukraine sent an official letter to NASA, asking to support their idea to name one of the planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system as "Planeta mriy" ('Planet of Dreams'). So, we expect the official response will come soon.

The "Zdiysny mriyu" ('Make a Dream') project started on April 29, 2016, on World Wish Day. During the project, hundreds of dreams of children fighting serious diseases have being fulfilled. In order to have the strength and energy to fight against disease, children should see not only the hospitals and tears of their beloved ones, but also a world filled with goodness and joy! Such wholesome emotions have a healing impact on the children’ health and on the overall treatment process. The project is being conducted by 1+1 media and TSN together with the charitable foundation "Ty ne odyn" ('You are not Alone').

 ** Television News Service – 1+1 TV Channel news program

***The Center for Space Research and Communication in Zolochiv was established 2 years ago at the Space Communication Center of the Broadcasting, Radiocommunications and Television Concern basis. The Center performs vitally important tasks, among which are representation of Ukraine's interests in space and security monitoring. Its equipment allows to determine up to a thousandth of second the time of pit explosions and other geophysical changes, as well as consequences of mining, illegal logging, pollution of rivers and seas in Ukraine. The Center also uses a measurement system recording earthquakes or nuclear tests taking place at any part of the world. 

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