Ukraine agricultural producers already suffered US$1 bln of losses

Due to ban on grain export – UAC

Ukrainian agricultural producers have already suffered more than US$1 billion of losses due to the ban on grain export.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, chairman of the Ukrainian Agricultural Confederation (UAC) Leonid Kozachenko claimed this to a press conference in UNIAN today.

“As of today, the situation is that losses of agricultural producers because of the restrictions [of export - UNIAN] have exceeded US$1 billion. We have calculations, confirmed by scientific institutions, in line with which we have lost around US$ 1.2 – 1.4 billion after the grain crops export was forbidden”, L.Kozachenko stressed.

He added that Ukraine is also suffering losses due to the ban on the sun oil export.

According to L.Kozachenko, as of today, the world situation has been very favorable for agricultural production, but, due to the export ban, Ukrainian agricultural producers do not receive the income they could.