Spring sowing campaign finished successfully in Ukraine

With increasing areas under spring crops

Ukraine has finished its spring sowing campaign increasing areas under spring crops by 1 mln tonnes as compared to the previous year, reported Alexander Baranovsky, Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on the 24th of May in Kiev, according to APK-Inform.

According to the Minister, at the current moment agrarians sow the rest of crops (buckwheat, millet).

Also, this year area under rape and soy seeds increased. Besides, due to raw sugar - import refusal, area planted with sugar beet increased by 78.000 ha.

Ukrainian farmers sowed spring crops on 17.262 mln ha, 96% from the schedule and up 749.000 from the last year.

According to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy data, farms planned to sow 17.915 mln ha this year.