Donetsk water filtration plant's staff bus comes under fire, five wounded

The plant may be completely shut down on April 18.

Five employees of the Donetsk water filtration plant have been wounded when they came under fire in a bus heading for work in Donbas, eastern Ukraine; one of them is in a critical condition.

"These were day shift workers for the filtration station. They were in the bus when they came under fire. Five were wounded, one is in a critical condition," acting Director of the municipal enterprise Voda Donbasa Oleksandr Yevdokimov said, according to the news outlet Hromadske.

The wounded are in hospital in the town of Yasynuvata now, he said. They have bullet wounds.

Read alsoOSCE SMM concerned over threat of eco-disaster as Donetsk water filtration station halts operations

The incident happened at about 15:40 local time on Tuesday, April 17.

"Now we are to decide how to get night shift workers out of there. They are at the filtration station now, but most likely they will stay there until morning," he said.

In his words, the station may be completely shut down on April 18.

The station supplies water to towns and villages in government-controlled and Russian-occupied areas in Donbas: Avdiyivka, Krasnohorivka, and Verknetoretske, as well as the temporarily-occupied Donetsk, Yasynuvata, and the villages of Vasylievka and Spartak.