TASS: Lavrov compares Berlin's actions over rape case to Turkey's persecution of journalists

The prosecution by the German authorities of a journalist who urged to provide information about what has actually happened to Russian teenager girl Lisa living in Germany is reminiscent of the actions of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who always "gets away with everything," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has told the Moskovsky Komsomolets daily, according to Russian news agency TASS.

"The orgy that has unfolded in the 'free' German media is outrageous," TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

"I fully support the statement of your colleagues, members of the presidential human rights council, Russian journalists who said that whatever the political relations between the countries, the prosecution of the journalist because he published an article urging the German authorities to give them information on what has happened to a Russian citizen is reminiscent of the actions of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who always gets away with everything, including the trial and long prison terms for two journalists who exposed the trafficking of arms to Turkey under the guise of humanitarian aid," he said.

According to him, such a coincidence in the policies with regard to journalists who are "trying to find out the truth" is quite disturbing.

Lavrov noted that the Russian side had never said that the girl named Lisa had been raped. "We [Russia] said that we are concerned about the information that the girl, a child in fact, who is a Russian national –  something Germany prefers to keep silent about –  in all likelihood disappeared from the family involuntarily for 30 hours and asked to explain what could happen to her," the minister added.

Russia's Channel One narrated the story of teen-age girl Lisa, 13, last month. The broadcaster quoted the girl's relatives as saying she had been allegedly raped by migrants. Because of this report, the Berlin prosecutor's office has launched a criminal investigation against Channel One's correspondent Ivan Blagoi.

According to rumors circulating in social networks the German police were not taking proper legal measures. The law enforcers replied they would not tolerate groundless accusations of inactivity.

The German police confirmed that the girl had been listed missing for one day. She resurfaced 30 hours later. The official police report said the investigators found no evidence of abduction or rape.