Russia's envoy to EU: Ukraine-EC-Russia technical consultations on gas transit "moving forward"

On October 21, representatives of Ukraine, the EC and Russia held technical consultations in Brussels as part of preparations for the next round of trilateral talks on transit shipments of Russian natural gas via Ukraine after January 1, 2020.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov says expert tripartite consultations on gas transit held this week between representatives of Ukraine, the European Commission and the Russian Federation have demonstrated there is potential for moving forward.

Read alsoUkraine, EC, Russia hold technical consultations on gas transit

"I can say that the preparatory meeting, which took place in Brussels last Monday, showed that there is potential for moving forward. We'll see next Monday to what extent it can be realized," he said, as Russia's Foreign Ministry told UNIAN on October 24.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on October 21, representatives of Ukraine, the European Commission and Russia held technical consultations in Brussels as part of preparations for the next round of trilateral talks on transit shipments of Russian natural gas through Ukraine after January 1, 2020.

The parties discussed the signing of an interconnection agreement between the gas transmission system (GTS) operators of Ukraine and Russia on standard European conditions, as well as the procedure for the formation of gas transmission tariffs, according to NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine's press service.

The next round of the trilateral talks is scheduled for October 28.