Half of Ukrainians say their savings insufficient to cover entire quarantine period

Some 36% of respondents believe the lockdown will greatly hurt their financial situation.

Almost half of Ukrainians (40%) surveyed by Ukrainian-based Research & Branding Group say their savings will not cover the coronavirus quarantine period set in Ukraine until April 24.

Only 13% of respondents have savings enough to last for several weeks, while 17% say they have enough money for a month-long quarantine.

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Some 68% of the respondents say they have not stocked up for the period of quarantine restrictions, while only 26% have bought up pasta, cereals, and canned food.

A total of 36% of respondents believe the lockdown will greatly hurt their financial situation, while only 19% say nothing will change financially for them.

The survey was conducted remotely among 1,000 respondents from March 28 to April 1.

As UNIAN reported, according to a survey by Info Sapiens, 60% of Ukrainians had suffered financial losses as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the quarantine declared.

Only 4% of respondents surveyed by the Rating Group have lost their jobs after the quarantine was introduced in Ukraine. At the same time, 35% of respondents say they continue to work as usual, while 29% do their job remotely and 32% are on leave on their own request.

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The Cabinet of Ministers on March 25 decided to extend quarantine set in Ukraine over the spread of the novel COVID-19 coronavirus until April 24 and introduced a state of emergency across the country for a month.

UNIAN memo. Research & Branding Group is a Ukrainian company engaged in market research and advertising, which has been successfully operating in the market for 15 years.