The week in numbers

17:30, 19.05.2015
4 min.

1 printing house agreed to publish the Nemtsov report on the war in Ukraine triggered off by Russia, the cabinet has made a list of 286 companies for privatization, 374 people were arrested for being in illegal armed groups in the Donbas, and UAH 6 billion in NBU refinancing funds were stolen from four banks.

1 printing house agreed to print a report by the late Boris Nemtsov, “Putin. War,” on condition of anonymity, according to activists involved in the publication. 14 printing houses declined to take the job as soon they saw the text.

2-3 weeks is the expected term of the IMF mission to Ukraine, according to the country’s Minister of Finance Natalia Jaresko. Ukraine expects to receive the second tranche of about $1.7 billion in the framework of the IMF program, says the Finance Minister.


A 2.6% split in the vote between the two main candidates was the result of the first round of Poland’s presidential elections. According to a survey conducted by IPSOS, 34.8% of voters voted for the opposition candidate Andrzej Duda, while the incumbent head of state Bronislaw Komorowski received 32.2% of the votes. The second round of elections will be held on May 24.

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10 years of imprisonment is faced by Ukrainian MP Serhiy Klyuyev, while another MP, Serhiy Melnychuk, may face life imprisonment, according to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. The Prosecutor General’s Office has prepared a submission to parliament on the deprivation of the two MPs’ parliamentary immunity.

A 17.6% drop of Ukraine’s GDP was registered in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the first quarter of 2014, the State Statistics Service said in a statement. In comparison with the fourth quarter of 2014, taking into account the seasonal factor, the GDP in the first quarter has decreased by 6.5%.

36% of working women globally are entitled to cash benefits during maternity leave, according to a study by the International Labor Organization. According to the report, 108 countries are implementing special programs of child benefits provided for by law, but they often cover only small groups of the population.

Finland has the best school results among the European countries / UNIAN

Ukraine occupies 38th place in the largest among the global school ratings of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Singapore topped the ranking, followed by Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Finland is the sixth - the best result among European countries.

220 military and law enforcement officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of the Interior, killed in clashes with militants in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation, received state awards posthumously, according to the press service of the Ukrainian president.

286 companies are on the list for privatization, reads a cabinet decree published on the government Web site. At the same time, another 43 companies have been included in the list of objects prohibited for privatization without the consent of the Verkhovna Rada. In accordance with the state budget approved for 2015, privatization is expected to bring an additional UAH 17 billion.

$312.53, or almost UAH 7,332 per thousand cubic meters, was the average customs value of gas imported to Ukraine in April, 2015, according to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, citing data from the State Fiscal Service. The relevant data were obtained from the analysis of customs declarations.

Police patrol vehicles with hybrid engines will be used in Kyiv and Odesa / UNIAN

348 hybrid engine vehicles were provided by the Government of Japan to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Kyoto Protocol. The cars are to be used for patrolling Kyiv and Odesa.

374 people since April of last year were arrested for being in illegal armed groups in the territory of the Donetsk region, according to the Donetsk regional department of Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior. During the antiterrorist operation (ATO) police officers have gathered evidence against 1,409 members of armed gangs.


409 kilometers of the state border within Donetsk and Luhansk are not controlled by Ukraine, according to the State Border Service.

UAH 1,800 is the initial level of wage of an ordinary soldier, while they are paid a 100% surcharge if they are engaged in military activities directly in the ATO area, notes the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

9,000 Russian troops are now in the Donbas, according to the ATO Headquarters. There may be nearly 43,000 members of illegal armed groups in total.


20,000 migrants – this is a number offered by the European Commission to the EU member states to accept in the next two years, according to the organization. At the same time the UK, Ireland and Denmark were given the opportunity to refuse to accept migrants.

40,000 volunteers enrolled in the ranks of “the information troops” to fight against Russian propaganda, the Ministry of Information Policy says.

41,562 ATO fighters have obtained the status of combatants, according to the Defense Ministry. In addition, 1,127 families of deceased Ukrainian servicemen have received financial assistance.

854,474 people moved from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the occupied territories of the Donbas to the other regions of Ukraine, according to the Interagency coordinating headquarters on social security of internally displaced persons. According to the headquarters, 833,881 people have moved from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to date, and another 20,593 – from Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. At the same time, the national leader of the Crimean Tatar people, MP Mustafa Dzhemilev, says that nearly 35,000 Crimean residents were forced to leave Crimea during the Russian occupation.


UAH 7 million in payments was received by ATO fighters for destroying enemy equipment in fighting, as well as for the successful performance of combat missions, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

RUB 205.2 million (nearly $4 million) is allocated from Russia’s federal budget for the resumption of Russian research expeditions in the Arctic, according to the press service of the Russian government.

UAH 6 billion of refinancing funds that had come from the National Bank of Ukraine were stolen by the management of four Ukrainian banks, according to the Security Service of Ukraine. Today, the liquidation of these financial institutions has started.

Margarita Andreyeva

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