Photo from UNIAN

Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine completed the scheduled repair works at the Looping–4 gas pipeline near the border with Slovakia in due time.

Therefore, from September 22, gas transmission through Budince gas metering station can be resumed in full, the company press service reported on Monday, September 21.

"[F]or tomorrow, the gas day on 22nd of September, applications are in acceptation from traders for the transportation of gas from Slovakia to Ukraine through GMS Budince in full. The gas pipeline and the interconnection point will start operating at 7:00 am," the report reads.

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The Looping-4 gas pipeline has been in particular focus, being the only route for guaranteed gas supplies from EU countries to Ukraine, the report reads, adding that by attracting more resources, the terms of repair works were cut from seven to just three weeks on the request of market players.

Resumed transmission via the Looping–4 pipe allows customers to import to Ukraine daily up to 27 million cubic meters of guaranteed and up to 15.5 mcm of interruptible capacity, of which 12.2 mcm have already been booked through to late September.


  • From January 1, 2020, Gas TSO of Ukraine took up the functions of the operator of main gas pipelines. The state-owned company is managed by Trunk Pipelines of Ukraine under the Ministry of Finance.
  • On June 23, 2020, Gas TSO of Ukraine announced amendments to the repair plan at the Budince interconnection point on the border with Slovakia, which provided for a full halt of gas flows from August 11 to October 1, 2020.
  • Gas TSO of Ukraine explained the repair by the need to ensure safe operations of infrastructure facilities and prepare for the next winter season.
  • On July 8, 2020, the head of Gas TSO of Ukraine, Serhiy Makogon, said that the Slovak side, taking advantage of legal inaccuracies, believes that it is not obliged to voluntarily implement European network codes on the border with Ukraine, in connection with which the Ukrainian side applied to the European Commission and the Secretariat of the Energy community for help in resolving the issue. On the Slovak side, the Slovak operator Eustream refused to transfer the previously booked capacities from the Budince point to the Velke Kapusany point.
  • On the same day, July 8, 2020, president of the Gas Traders of Ukraine Association, Andriy Mizovets, said Ukrainian gas traders would incur significant financial costs due to repairs on Slovakia border.