Head of the municipal organization Institute of the General Plan of Kyiv Serhiy Bronevytskyi says the current General Plan for the Kyiv development, in terms of the infrastructure construction rate, has been implemented only by 20%-25% while housing construction indicators have exceeded the target.
"While, in terms of the pace of housing construction, the current General Plan has been completed by 100%, and even beyond, in terms of the rate of construction of engineering, transport and other infrastructure, it has been completed only by 20-25%," he said on December 16, presenting the capital's draft General Plan.
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At the same time, there is a need to increase the area of housing since the number of Kyiv residents in 20 years will increase by 0.8 million, from the current 3 million to 3.8 million, according to the forecast by the Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The draft of the capital's new General Plan envisaged the increase in the existing housing by another third within the next 20 years, from 63.6 million square meters to 84.7 million square meters due to new construction and comprehensive reconstruction of existing obsolete housing.
"In addition to the new construction, a comprehensive reconstruction of the outdated apartment blocks, the so-called 'Khrushchev-era apartment blocks' is being planned. It's more than 1,500 hectares. In general, it is planned to reduce the area of industrial and municipal warehouse facilities to 5,500 hectares for innovative parks, and housing and public complexes," the official added.