Eight police posts have been set up around the capital city of Kyiv to control the situation on roads and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.
The posts are manned by police and national guardsmen, as reported by the press service of the National Guard of Ukraine.
Law enforcers verify compliance with the restrictions on commuter traffic introduced earlier, including a limit of 10 passengers per bus, as well as the relevant licenses.
As of today, drivers are being informed about the required safety measures, as well as warned about responsibility for non-compliance with quarantine rules.
На в’їзді в Київ зі сторони Житомира поліція перевіряє всі автобуси. Зупинили навіть нашого Богдана Кутєпова — не повірили, що він журналіст; кажуть, схожий на перевізника pic.twitter.com/VvczYveSpL
— hromadske (@HromadskeUA) March 19, 2020
All servicemen are provided with face masks and disinfectants.
According to law enforcement, no gross violations have been reported so far.
Law enforcers' joint work is aimed to prevent the spread of coronavirus across the country, with the main task being timely identification of persons who were in contact with coronavirus patients and ensuring their self-isolation to limit communication with other people.
Earlier, the patrol police reported more stringent measures for violation of quarantine conditions would be in effect in Ukraine from March 20, and the police would start enforcing the rules.
As UNIAN reported earlier, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus was recorded late December 2019 in the most populous city of Central China, Wuhan. The World Health Organization recognized it as a global emergency, describing it as a multi-cell epidemic.
To date, 26 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Ukraine, three of which are lethal.
The country has declared a nationwide quarantine, which will last until April 3.