The court found the defendant in this case, Yuriy Krysin, guilty.
Judge Oleh Linnyk sentenced Krysin to a four-year prison sentence with a 2-year probation period. This means that if within two years Krysin does not commit criminal offenses, he will be released from serving his sentence.
Krysin was not held in a pre-trial detention center during the investigation period, allowed to stay free on personal recognizance.
After the verdict was announced, he was freed from the courtroom.
Read alsoBrawl erupts outside Kyiv court as judges hear case of police chiefs obstructing EuroMaidanIn the verdict, the judge ignored the fact that Krysin has an outstanding conviction for the illegal storage of ammunition.
While announcing the verdict, the judge claimed that the Krysin had no previous convictions.
In addition, the judge did not take into account the fact that Krysin was tried for manslaughter back in 2010.
According to a PGO prosecutor of Lyudmila Hetman, the defendant’s criminal record was cleared as he has already served his sentence. Hetman said that the prosecutor's office would appeal the verdict to the Court of Appeal of Kyiv and insist on a 6-year prison sentence.
Veremiy’s widow expressed her indignation at the verdict.
As UNIAN reported earlier, the journalist of the newspaper Vesti was killed on the night of February 19, 2014. He took a taxi home from work. At the corner of Volodymyrska and Velyka Zhytomirska streets in the center of Kyiv, the journalist noticed armed "titushkas" sporting camouflage uniform and facemasks, and tried to photograph them from the car. The armed men attacked the car and dragged the driver and passengers from the vehicle. The driver and the other passenger managed to escape, while Veremiy was severely beaten and then shot in the back. Veremiy was admitted at the intensive care unit, but died during surgery on the morning of February 19 as a result of blood loss and injuries sustained.
Read alsoEvidence says shooting of Euromaidan activists was planned – LawyerOn September 18, 2015, head of the special investigations office of the Main Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, Serhiy Horbatiuk, said that Veremiy’s murderer was Jalal Aliyev. According to unofficial information, the killer fought on the side of the "DPR" militants and was killed in Horlivka in July 2015. Krysin was accused of assaulting the journalist along with other attackers.
Criminal proceedings were opened under part 4 of Art. 296 of the Criminal Code ("hooliganism committed by a group of persons with the use of firearms or cold arms, or another tools adapted or designed for inflicting bodily injury"). Also, Krysin is suspected of gathering a group of "titushkas" (some of them armed) to Velyka Zhytomirska Street in order to disrupt the efforts of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity.
Valeria Lutkovskaya, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, complained to Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko in the letter of November 23 that he had “unlawfully” ordered that Krysin wear an ankle bracelet.