Photo from Kyiv City State Administration

Several Kyiv districts were de-energized Monday afternoon, various reports state, adding that smoke has been spotted over one of the city's central heating and power plant.

Pechersk and Druzhby Narodiv subways stations (Green Line) have been left without power, Kyiv Now Telegram channel reported, as well as the Ocean Plaza shopping mall. River Mall has also reportedly experienced an unstable power supply.

A number of city trolleybus routes have been suspended due to the incident, according to Informator.

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Как выглядит станция метро в момент аварийного отключения света в Киеве

Опубликовано Информатор Киев Понедельник, 27 июля 2020 г.

The blackout started at about 19:00 local time.

Kyiv authorities later reported on their website that the emergency was due to damaged equipment at CHPP 5 and that the repair team was already working at the scene. It could take around three hours to fix the damage, the report suggests.