NACP chief Manhul / Photo from UNIAN

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) says it supports the abolition of electronic declaration of assets belonging to members of anti-corruption public organizations.

"Unfortunately, the Verkhovna Rada has failed to pass a law cancelling e-declarations for anti-corruption activists before April 1," Radio Liberty's Ukrainian-language service quoted newly elected NAPC chief Oleksandr Manhul as saying at a briefing at midnight on April 1. "In this issue, NACP is on the side of public activists that citizens engaged in anti-corruption investigations don't have to file e-declarations."

Read alsoU.S. urges Ukraine to abolish requirement for anti-graft activists to declare assets

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As reported, the U.S. Department of State announced that it strongly recommended that the government of Ukraine abolish the requirement for e-declaration for activists and members of non-governmental organizations. Earlier, the G7 ambassadors urged the Verkhovna Rada to abolish the requirements obliging anti-corruption activists and international members of the supervisory boards of Ukrainian state-owned companies file electronic declarations.

Brussels has repeatedly demanded that Ukraine abolish this norm, but the Ukrainian authorities have failed: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko submitted a draft law, which was severely criticized by the Venice Commission, while the Verkhovna Rada failed to score enough votes to abolish the controversial provisions.