Photo from of the Federal Penitentiary Service's department in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area

The press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service's department in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area (Russia) has published a photo of Ukrainian film director Oleh Sentsov, undergoing health examination; he has been on hunger strike in a Russian penal colony since May 14, 2018.

Read alsoSentsov's recent message from Russian jail: "Nothing lasts forever"

"On September 28, 2018, convicted Oleh Sentsov was taken to Labytnangi municipal hospital, where he underwent additional examination and received medical advice," the press service said.

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"Given the results of the health checkup, treatment of Oleh Sentsov was adjusted," it said, giving no details on this.

As was earlier reported, on September 28, the Federal Penitentiary Service's department in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area said that Sentsov had been transferred from the colony to the hospital for a "scheduled" health checkup.

On September 10, Sentsov wrote a will regarding his artwork, in the event of his death.

Sentsov was arrested in Russian-occupied Crimea in spring 2014 and in August 2015 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison following an unfair trial where he faced "terrorism" charges stemming from his opposition to Russia's occupation of Crimea. He has been serving his term in a penal colony in the town of Labytnangi, Russia's Yamal.

He went on hunger strike on May 14, demanding that Russia free all Ukrainian political prisoners. Sentsov's cousin, Moscow-based journalist Natalya Kaplan says his condition is critical and things are "catastrophically bad."

Sentsov's mother pleaded with Putin to pardon her son, but the Kremlin turned her letters down, saying that Sentsov himself needs to appeal for a pardon. However, he does not intend to do this.