The terrible massacre in Crimea could not leave anyone indifferent. Another mad "Breivik," a local 21-year-old man, gunned down 21 people, also leaving dozens injured. It would seem that, apart from words of sympathy and condolences, there is nothing much to say in such a situation.

However, in Russia, they decided to use this horror to show, first of all, to themselves that “Crimea is ours,” albeit covered in blood.

The Russian Foreign Ministry rushed to announce that in the follow up to the tragedy, Russia received words of support from "foreign partners and leaders of foreign countries." Here comes a long-awaited moment of recognition of the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea. However, in practice, as usual, it turned out differently.

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First, Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately expressed condolences after the incident and separately emphasized that "in Russia, in the city of Kerch, a tragic event occurred." It is curious that, often, as accidents occur and high-profile crimes are committed in Russian cities, Putin does not speak of their territorial affiliation aloud. However, this situation was special.

Naturally, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi, who was standing next to Putin at that moment, also expressed condolences and did not argue about the territorial issues. This is not surprising, since Russian-Egyptian negotiations, in fact, did not cover the matter. Moreover, the fact remains that Egypt never recognized the Crimea occupation.

Second, the TASS state news agency reported that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at a meeting with the Russian Prosecutor General in Belgrade, expressed his condolences, adding that the crime had been committed precisely in Russia. “Just three minutes ago, I received information about what happened in Russia, in Kerch,” Vucic allegedly said.

However, in Russia they decided to use this horror to show, first of all, to themselves that “Crmiea is ours,” albeit covered in blood

However, these words can't be found either in the Serbian media, or in Vucic's Twitter, or in the press service report. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the head of the Serbian Ministry of Defense sent a telegram with condolences to his counterpart from the Russian Federation, Mr Shoigu. Obviously, not all Serbian officials understand: if they question the issue of Crimea belonging to Ukraine, then Kosovo is not Serbia, either.

Later, in Russia, the President of Ukraine was ostracized when he dared to say that it was the citizens of our country who were killed in its occupied part. Meanwhile, the presidents of the CIS countries didn’t focus on this at all and their words of support were addressed primarily to the families of the victims and the injured.

The real Russian "victory" was the message of the press service of the German government. Indeed, the condolences from Angela Merkel  really did not mention the fact that Crimea is Ukraine, on which some Russian media focused.

But that's not all.

The biggest disappointment for Russian propaganda and professional instigators of hatred towards Ukraine was the fact that the crime was not a terrorist act and that it was committed not by some NATO-trained ruthless Ukrainian saboteurs on the orders of the White House. It turns out that nobody left “Yarosh business cards” in the bomb-hit college. This was done by a lone culprit. Moreover, it is possible that he regularly watched Russian TV, where talking heads constantly speak of Ukrainian "crimes." Besides, as soon as the first reports came about the incident in Kerch, Russian TV immediately began to beat the war drums, talking about Ukrainian saboteurs and terrorists.

For Russian realities, it does not matter that such “precedents” are fiction (the only real thing in these fantasies is citizens of Ukraine like Oleh Sentsov, Viktor Panov, or Volodymyr Balukh, convicted on fake charges). Therefore, it is not surprising that the Russian collaborator and, concurrently, the speaker of the “parliament” of the occupied Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov, claimed that the crime has Ukrainian traces. And then came a fiasco.

The biggest disappointment for Russian propaganda and professional instigators of hatred towards Ukraine was the fact that the crime was not a terrorist act

The Investigative Committee of Russia ruined everything by re-qualifying the case from a “terrorist attack” to “mass murder.” Such a great news piece has broken apart and failed to create a pretext for unfolding another stage of Russia's war against Ukraine.

One of the experts loyal to the Kremlin has expressed his attitude to what happened very frankly: if it is “not a terrorist attack of Banderites, not a terrorist attack of an Islamic State, then the retaliatory strike is not necessary and there will not be a new big war.”

In fact, it turns out that it's the occupation authorities who are to blame for the tragedy in Kerch, as they gladly engage in creating fiction horror stories about the threat coming from Ukraine, while remaining absolutely irresponsible towards the occupied territory. This means that massacre will soon be forgotten and blocked by some other breaking news. Indeed, they will say that in Russia and the occupied Crimea everything is stable – they have Putin and the infamous spiritual ties. It is better to turn on the “international panorama” mode, and search for flaws in other countries.

Roman Tsymbaliuk

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