
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said Ukraine needs a "cold" peace with Russia.

"Of course, we need peace with Russia. Cold but peace. People are tired of war. Russian propaganda and its lineshooters in Ukraine tirelessly play on this painful emotion," he said at Kyiv's International Exhibition Center during the Forum titled: "From Kruty to Brussels. We are going our way," according to an UNIAN correspondent.

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Poroshenko said the topic of war and peace is one of the main at the elections since the Ukrainian people will elect not only the president, but also the supreme commander.

According to him, the enemy came neither for Crimea, nor for Donbas, but for returning the "runaway" [Ukraine] to the "prison of the peoples" as the Russian empire was called by French traveler Astolphe de Custine two hundred years ago.

"Peace is the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the unquestioning recognition by Moscow of our right to go our own way. Even if this path is the path away from Moscow," Poroshenko said.

"We will continue the line for the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine by political and diplomatic means, ensuring the unity of the pro-Ukrainian coalition, using the tool of sanctions and the mechanism of a UN international mission throughout occupied Donbas," the president added.