The United States has congratulated Ukraine's President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky on victory in the second round of the presidential election; Lithuania says it respects the choice of the Ukrainian people.
"We congratulate President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky and thank all those who contributed to ensuring Ukraine's presidential election was conducted in a peaceful manner," the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine said on Facebook.
"We look forward to continuing the strong U.S.-Ukraine partnership with President-elect Zelensky," it said.
The U.S. Embassy also thanked Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for his efforts over the past five years to strengthen Ukraine's security, prosperity and democracy, and to strengthen bilateral relationship.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius in turn said that changes in Ukraine would lead to further reforms.
"Ukraine just decided to change. We respect the choice and believe that changes will lead to further liberation, further reforms, further integration into [the] Euro-Atlantic family. Too much was invested, too much blood was shed. Ukraine is Europe!" he said on Twitter.
#Ukraine just decided to change. We respect the choice and believe that changes will lead to further liberation, further reforms, further integration into Euro-Atlantic family. Too much was invested, too much blood was shed. Україна - це Європа! #UkraineElections
— Linas Linkevicius (@LinkeviciusL) 21 апреля 2019 г.