Russian journalist and TV host Andrey Malakhov has landed up on Ukraine's Myrotvorets ("Peacemaker") database, which lists individuals posing a threat to Ukraine's security, as he was one of the hosts of a propaganda TV link-up the Russian side wanted to organize with a pro-Russia TV channel in Ukraine.
The journalist is accused of consciously participating in a disinformation and propaganda campaign waged by the aggressor country, Russia, against Ukraine, Myrotvorets said on its website.
"The Myrotvorets Center asks law enforcement agencies to consider this publication as a report on committing by this individual of conscious actions against Ukraine's national security, peace, security and international law and order," the center said in a statement.
Read alsoUkraine's NewsOne cancels TV link-up with Russia-1 TV channel
Malakhov, a host of programs on TV channel Russia-1, together with Maria Sittel, were to conduct the notorious 'Need to Talk' link-up in a Moscow-based studio.
As UNIAN reported earlier, the link-up between Russia-1 and Ukraine's NewsOne was to be held on July 12, but later NewsOne said the event had been cancelled.
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said that the Prosecutor General's Office had opened criminal proceedings for an attempt to commit high treason in connection with the NewsOne television channel's plans to hold a TV link-up with a Russian television channel.
Lutsenko also stated that one of NewsOne's beneficiaries is a co-owner of Russian OAO Promsvyazbank, through which Russia's defense orders are financed. In this regard, criminal proceedings on the financing of terrorism were also registered in Ukraine.