Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin says that half of Ukrainians will reside abroad in several years.
"We had a home country and the diaspora ... What is happening now when millions of Ukrainians are constantly or temporarily residing abroad – I believe that in a few years – again, if you want you can blame me, the situation will be the following: half of Ukrainians will be here, and half of Ukrainians will live abroad," Klimkin said during a Veteran Public Talk session at the Veteran Hub, a platform for cooperation of veterans' NGOs.
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According to him, about 20 million Ukrainians are now living abroad.
"And how many [Ukrainians] are now in Ukraine? There will be a census soon. When you see the results of the census, you all will be wide-eyed. There will be real, honest results of the census."
"Therefore I believe we should not split Ukrainians into those who are here and who are abroad. I think that the world should have a global Ukrainian community."
(The quoted speech is after 39:00)