Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have reportedly agreed on the swap of prisoners of war (POWs) before December 31, 2019.
This was simultaneously reported by sources of the Ukrayinska Pravda online newspaper and the news portal
Read alsoRussia, Ukraine may hold "all for all" prisoner swap late 2019 – expert
The Zelensky-Putin one-on-one meeting, which lasted for over 70 minutes, was held as part of the Normandy Four summit in Paris on December 9.
Prior to it, Zelensky had met with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
A communique is expected to be prepared after the Normandy summit ends.
What is more, Zelensky is to take part in a concluding joint press conference with Macron, Merkel, and Putin.