President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky following the Normandy Four summit in Paris December 9 once again emphasized that he would not sit at the negotiating table with representatives of the so-called "republics" in eastern Ukraine.
The president has told journalists he believes it would be much "fairer" to have people displaced by conflict, rather than militants, join the talks.
"And when in Minsk many things had to be agreed with these representatives [of the illegal armed groups], why it was only they? That is my question. It seems to me that this [involving IDPs in talks] will be fair," Zelensky said.
"And I am in dialogue with them [the IDPs] ... And I would very much like that in Minsk, I think it's right that in Minsk, where there are representatives, supposedly representatives, of the occupied part of Donbas, that a few other representatives join them, those who fled (from Donbas). They are real IDPs and also residents of the occupied Donbas," Zelensky said.