The North Atlantic Council met with members of the Defense Reform Advisory Board of Ukraine on February 4, 2020, to exchange views on Ukraine's reform agenda and current priorities.
"NATO Allies welcomed the Board's efforts to support Ukraine in implementing key reforms along Euro-Atlantic principles, and ensuring these are sustainable," NATO said in a statement on its website. "In particular, Allies welcomed efforts to advance civilian control and democratic oversight over the security and defense sector, improve the system of command and control of the Armed Forces, and tackle corruption."
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Chairing the Council, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană also thanked the Board for its close cooperation with the NATO Representation in Ukraine.
Established in 2016, the Board provides expertise and recommendations on defense reforms to Ukraine's leadership.
Since 2014, NATO has strengthened its support to Ukraine, with new Trust Funds, more advisers and enhanced capacity building programs. The Alliance continues to provide strategic advice on Ukraine's security and defense sector reforms, in line with the goals of the 2018 Law on National Security.