Vladimir Putin’s annual presidential address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was not dazzled with any surprising statements. The master of the Kremlin has traditionally told the Russians, why it’s all not that bad, since it’s good in some ways. And if it’s bad, he is not to be blamed. And after all, by annexing Crimea, Russia in full voice declared that is a nation, “united by common values and purpose.”
Actually, Putin avoided other references of Crimea, which has been wandering in the darkness recently. Well, maybe, he mentioned it once, indirectly, when speaking about the extension of the program of support for Russia's demography. They say that in spite of all the gloomy predictions, including those coming from the United Nations, everything is just fine with this issue in Russia – for three consecutive years, a natural population growth has been recorded, while the families are eager to raise the children, and the state should help them out across all of the country’s regions, including Crimea (Crimea is ours!)
At the same time, Donbas, which is still too naïve to expect brotherly assistance, high pensions and wages, enjoyed none of Putin’s attention at all. Well, why give any? A nation was “united” with Crimea. And now, a new task came before the great united empire, much more important than helping out a handful of terrorists who had settled in eastern Ukraine. The whole Middle East is at stake.
In fact, the socio-economic part of the Putin’s address has long become a boring flow of obsolete mantras.
As a year ago, the Russian leader instructed the elites to build up cooperation and develop import substitution, motivate young professionals and attract investors. Ambition stretched from the Far East to the Black Sea region. In general, he admitted that there are problems and they "need to be addressed," "the situation is difficult, but not critical."
Judging by the facial expressions of the Russian elites’ representatives who were listening to the address, (ranging from fawning to tension and anxiety for their future), the Putin’s speech did not impress them. Roughly speaking, their leader has failed to affirm his power and show that the ruling class is unconditionally devoted to him. He failed to charge Russian elites with confidence in their future well-being. However, Putin was traditionally showered in applause. Besides, it does not change the fact that tomorrow these elites will ensure absolute support for any bill, needed by the president. Another thing is that this will not replace Putin's unwillingness to deal with Russia’s internal problems.
The Kremlin’s master is much more interested in geopolitics and his personal international influence, his own place on the world map.
In this regard, it is not surprising that Putin dedicated plenty of time in his speech to the fight against terrorism, which Russia (as it turns out) had squeezed from its own territory, and is now fighting in the vast Syrian territory, for the Russians, of course.
In addition, it’s the backstabs of the insidious enemies that prevent Russia from going in full gear. Just a while ago, the ones to blame were the Ukrainians who dared to make a U-turn toward Europe, without authorization from the big brother. Today Ukraine gave way to Turkey, which shamelessly destroyed a “defenseless” Russian bomber for airspace violation.
“Allah knows why they did it. Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity,” said "prophet" Putin, who also happens to be an ardent fan of the Orthodox cradle in Korsun and other sacred places.
However, recalling that the Turkish people is the good, hard-working and talented, the Russian president assured that no one will see a “nervous, hysterical reaction from Russia” and “saber rattling,” but "if somebody may have thought that after committing a treacherous war crime - the killing of our people - it will be possible to get away with restrictions on tomato trade or some other restrictions in the building and other industries, they are grossly mistaken … and they will more than once feel regret what they have done."
However, Putin chose not to elaborate on the specific measures set to be taken by Russia, whether they’ll be political, economic, or of some other kind.
Tatiana Urbanskaya