To a large extent, those who are willing to go abroad for permanent residence or work are residents of western and central regions of Ukraine, male, of young age, with a high level of education and income.

The main reasons for wishing to seek permanent residence abroad is the will to see better living conditions (53%), the desire to safeguard a better future for their children (41%), and lack of a decent job in Ukraine (32%). At the same time, the respondents with children under 16 cite an opportunity to ensure a better future for their children as their main motivation (52%) for going abroad for permanent residence.

Read alsoRecent poll reveals how many Ukrainians support Donbas' special statusThere were also some other motives named. 13% seek better self-realization, 8% say it is due to the feeling of being at risk in Ukraine, 7% want to get a better education and better health care, while 5% seek better conditions for doing business.

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