First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Natalia Sevostyanova at a Parliament meeting Thursday, February 23, the bill provides that "the sentence of those who have committed the most serious crimes, such as murder and rape, will be counted as ‘a day in pre-trial detention center equals a day in prison’, while for other offenders, the formula of the so-called Savchenko Law will remain in place (a day jail in a pre-trial detention facility equals two days of imprisonment).
Read alsoSavchenko asks Rada to strip her of parliamentary immunityAccording to Sevostyanova, the application of the law, promoted by MP Nadiia Savchenko, has led to some serious consequences. In an explanatory memo to the bill, it is reported that at the moment, some 8,500 convicts have been released under the law, according to the National Police.
"Of this number, 906 individuals, or 11% of those released, have been exposed in committing another crime. Of them, there were 27 murder cases, 21 cases of inflicting grievous bodily harm, 12 rape cases, 670 thefts, 172 burglaries, 68 robberies, 43 cases of fraud, and 23 cases of hooliganism," the memo reads.