Sponsored by Senator Lindsey Graham, the Resolution (S.Res.78) expresses concern over Russia’s continuing aggression and Vladimir Putin’s continued illegal support to separatists in Eastern Ukraine, according to Sen.Menendez’s official website.
It also urges the Trump Administration not to ease any sanctions on Russia until they comply with all terms of the Minsk agreements and other international commitments.
Read alsoU.S. to support buildup of Ukraine’s military potential - Pentagon"This bipartisan resolution sends a strong and unequivocal message of solidarity to the people of Ukraine, of condemnation to Vladimir Putin, and of caution to the Trump Administration," said Sen. Menendez. "Three years after the illegal occupation of Crimea, it is imperative that our nation continue to stand with the people of Ukraine and in favor of democracy, the rule of law, and the territorial sovereignty and integrity of independent countries in the face of subversion or invasions. Irrelevant of the political winds in the United States, we must ensure sanctions remain the most powerful and peaceful leverage we have in our arsenal of diplomatic tools."
Read alsoSenator Graham: Trump must punish Russia for election interference – ABC NewsThe Resolution condemns continued Russian military intervention in Ukraine and reaffirms that sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation for destabilizing the international order in Eastern Europe should not be lifted until the Russian Federation complies with all terms of the Minsk agreements.
It also calls on the United States Government, United States allies in Europe, the United Nations, and international partners to continue to pressure the Government of the Russian Federation to uphold its international obligations.