The presentation of book "Bid for suicide: why Ukraine needs NATO?" will take place in RESIDENCE PALACE international press centre in Brussels at 14.00 on March 27.
1. Kryuchkov Georgiy – member of the Ukrainian Parliament of the third and fourth convocation, Chairman of the parliamentary committee for the national security and defense in 1998-2006 years.
2. Tabachnik Dmytro – Head of the Administration of the President of Ukraine in 1994-1996 years, vice-prime-minister of Ukraine in 2003-2005 and 2006-2007 years, present member of the Ukrainian Parliament, representing the “Party of Regions of Ukraine”, Vice-Chairman of the parliamentary committee for science and education.
3. Simonenko Petro – present member of the Ukrainian Parliament, representing the “Communist Party of Ukraine”, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the “Communist Party of Ukraine”, Chairman of the parliamentary fraction of the “Communist Party of Ukraine” in the Ukrainian Parliament.
4. Grinevetskiy Georgiy – present member of the Ukrainian Parliament, representing the “Block of Litvin”, Vice-Chairman of the parliamentary committee for the national security and defense.
5. Tolochko Petro – academician of the National Science Academy of Ukraine, member of the Ukrainian Parliament of the third and fourth convocation.
Summary of the book:
Authors of the book, belonging to the various political forces, representing both the ruling majority and the opposition, convincingly prove the fact that there is no real chances for Ukraine to realize the prospect of entry into NATO, because this idea has not received a powerful backing neither from the Ukrainian Parliament and Cabinet of Ministers, nor among the population of Ukraine.
Moreover, this idea has been once and for all compromised by the President of Ukraine, Victor Yuschenko, who has lost popular support (personal rating - 2-3%) and preserves political orientation on Ukraine’s entering into NATO solely to suit his own ends and secure his own political objects.
In particular, Yuschenko expects to receive political and military support of the Alliance and its’ member-states in order to retain the power in a non-democratic way when his term of office will come to an end in the late 2009.
Authors emphasize that stirring up the discussion of Ukraine becoming member of NATO, conversion of this problem from the domestic one into international will inevitably cause disintegration of the state and formation of the huge “black hole” at the eastern frontiers of European Union. The negative effect of this on the European politics and economy can be possibly compared only with the perennial civil war, which accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
e-mail: – Alexandr Kamenets, – Olga Zbithyeva. 8 (067) 501 86 01 Alexandr, 8 (050) 387 32 42 Olga.