Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Stef Blok announced this in Parliament on Wednesday, September 6, the media said.
"The minister thinks that the Hague court is the most logical choice for this process. The hearings may also be held not in the Hague itself but in another place outside the city," the media said.
Read alsoUkraine, Netherlands to exchange data on MH17An agreement was reached earlier that the suspects would be held liable in accordance with the law of the Netherlands.
Meanwhile, the Netherlands said they would prefer the consideration of the case by the United Nations International Court of Justice, yet, Russia in the UN Security Council applied the right of veto against this proposal.
According to the media, the criminal investigation is still ongoing, and no charges have yet been brought against anyone.
UNIAN memo. Malaysia Airlines' MH17 Boeing 777 heading from Amsterdam for Kuala Lumpur was shot down on July 17, 2014, over militant-occupied territory in Donetsk region. All 298 people on board who were citizens of 10 countries were killed in the crash. The majority of the victims, 196, were citizens of the Netherlands. The Dutch Safety Board October 13, 2015, issued a report on the causes of the accident. It was revealed that the plane had been shot down by a Buk anti-aircraft missile system. The Joint Investigation Team in its report published on September 28, 2016, confirmed that the plane had been downed by a Russian-made Buk brought to Ukraine from Russia.
No suspects have been named, though Dutch Chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke said last year his office has identified 100 "persons of interest" in the investigation, including those who organized the arrival of the rocket and oversaw its transport from Russia to Ukraine and back.