Kyiv's court of appeals has rejected a claim filed by NGO Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC) against a first instance judgement that did not recognize classified assets declarations of the SBU Security Service's personnel unlawful.
"The court has rejected our [appeal] and left all the SBU members' declarations classified. Let's be frank – this is a predictable decision. We're not going to drop the case, we plan to lodge a complaint with the Supreme Court," AntAC said in a statement on Thursday, January 25.
Read alsoUkraine launches new stage of filing e-declarationsAs UNIAN reported, Kyiv's district administrative court on October 24, 2017, ruled after a five-month delay in the consideration of the AntAC vs. the SBU case over denying public access to SBU personnel's assets declarations, to completely reject all the claims of the NGO.
AntAC said the ruling had been delivered nine months after the claim had been filed.
AntAC sued the SBU to force it to declassify the declarations of the SBU chiefs and agents, and also to recognize that the creation of the SBU's own system for processing and storing e-declarations was illegitimate.
Activists also asked the court to recognize illegal the inaction of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC), in particular, it concerns the fact that NAPC employees had not approved a special procedure for submitting e-declarations by SBU personnel, but instead agreed on the creation by the SBU of its own "secret" declarations handling system.
What is more, anti-corruption activists asked the court to make the SBU and the NAPC publish the missing declarations from the e-declarations register.