G7 Ambassadors have stressed the need to ensure that the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) are selected in a fair and transparent manner.
"G7 Ambassadors met with President [Volodymyr] Zelensky yesterday, reaffirming the urgent need for widely supported actions to address the negative consequences of recent CCU decisions and avoid further rollback of Ukraine's anti-corruption reforms," the G7 Ambassadors' Support Group in Kyiv wrote on Twitter on November 20.
"Both sides agreed on the need to ensure CCU judges are selected in a fair and transparent manner. This is an historic opportunity to achieve judicial reform that meets the expectations of the Ukrainian people," reads the tweet.
Read alsoZelensky says parliament should pass budget, decide on Constitutional Court by year-endCCU's notorious decision
- On October 27, the Constitutional Court made a decision on a motion filed by 47 Members of Parliament, having repealed Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code, which provided for criminal liability for inaccurate declaration by government officials of their income.
- The Constitutional Court also recognized the provisions of laws on the audit of officials' e-declarations as unconstitutional and stripped the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) of powers to check declarations and identify conflicts of interest.
- President Volodymyr Zelensky tabled bill No. 4288 in parliament to terminate the powers of all CCU judges. The document states, in particular, that the decision of the Constitutional Court of October 27 is "null and void" (such that it does not create legal consequences) as such that was adopted by the CCU judges in conditions of a real conflict of interests." Zelensky proposes the termination of the powers of CCU judges from the date when the law becomes effective, suggesting that subjects authorized to appoint new judges should immediately begin the procedure for the competitive selection of the court's new members.