Photo from UNIAN

President Volodymyr Zelensky says Ukraine will next year start implementing a "global" judicial reform.

"We have launched the High Anti-Corruption Court, and sentences have already been handed down – it has been working for over a year already," Zelensky told in an interview with the New York Times, the President's Office wrote in a report delivered in Ukrainian.

"I believe this is important since the courts are Ukraine's sore spot, and now there is the High Anti-Corruption Court, now we're 'at war 'with a few judges of the Constitutional Court who seek to destroy the anti-corruption structure in Ukraine. They won't succeed. We will reformat this all," the head of state added.

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"And the next big step is a global judicial reform in Ukraine, which we will launch next year since many laws have already been drafted and stages for the implementation of these reforms have been prepared," Zelensky said.

Constitutional Court row: Background