The PACE winter session will take place in Strasbourg on January 25-28 / Photo from flickr.com/parliamentaryassembly
The Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has decided not to include a debate on the human rights situation in Russia-occupied Crimea in the agenda of a session scheduled for January 25-28.
That's according to the Ukrainian news portal LB.ua with reference to its own sources.
Read alsoMezentseva voted in as new chair of Ukraine's delegation to PACEYet, debates on technology, freedom of speech, as well as the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny are on the agenda.
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PACE winter session: What is known
- The PACE winter session will take place online and in person in Strasbourg on January 25-28. The Ukrainian parliamentary delegation will participate in the event.
- The permanent delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will propose that an informal Crimean Platform group be set up at PACE.
- Ukraine is also initiating a debate on the renewal of sanctions against the Russian Federation after Navalny's detention.
- The Russian delegation to PACE is initiating a debate on the language issue in Ukraine.