The the Ukraine Security Partnership Act has passed a vote by the SFRC / Photo from Flickr / John Brighenti

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) on April 21 voted on the Ukraine Security Partnership Act to increase military aid for the country, which includes the supply of lethal weapons.

This was reported by Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. Oksana Markarova on Facebook on April 21.

"This bill is extremely important and timely in the context of the escalation of Russia's aggressive behavior towards Ukraine and the build-up of the military presence on the border [with Ukraine] and in occupied Crimea," she wrote.

The bill passed the committee with bipartisan support. It increases the annual U.S. military aid for Ukraine to US$300 million, including with lethal weapons.

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The bill, introduced to the Senate on March 17, was co-sponsored by senators from both major U.S. parties – James Risch (R-ID), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Rob Portman (R-OH), Chris Murphy (D-Ct), John Barrasso (R-WY), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

"Now we are waiting for the speedy approval of the Act by U.S. Congress," Markarova added.

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