
The Nash TV channel, which, ironically, airs from Ukraine, has been spotted disseminating appalling disinformation in the best traditions of Russian propaganda outlets, aimed to denigrate Ukrainian military.

Ukraine's representative in the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas settlement Denys Kazansky, who is also a journalist, has brought the issue to the spotlight.

"Previously, fake stories about 'crucified boys' and grandmothers 'raped by punishers' were spun by Russian media. And now it's Ukrainian TV channels that are already engaged in this," Kazansky said.

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The TV channel gave air time to a Donbas resident living in the temporarily occupied territories who "called the studio" saying: "I personally saw how a Ukrainian warplane bombed civilians in Donbas, and I could see a pilot in the cockpit, sitting there and laughing."

"None of the hosts, of course, argued that this was nonsense. This was presented at face value," Kazansky said.

Also, ex-member of pro-Yanukovych Party of Regions Olena Bondarenko could be seen on the air, nodding affirmatively to the said comment.


One of the pillars of Russian propaganda narratives against Ukraine, including those targeting Ukrainian audiences, is about compromising the Ukrainian Armed Forces and accusing them of war crimes. Through these efforts, propaganda pundits have been working to shift public attention away from warcrimes and human rights violations on the part of Russian military, Russia-led armed groups, and mercenaries.

The Nash TV channel is owned by a pro-Russian politician Yevhen Murayev. Among many Russian propaganda narratives it has been promoting was the one about Ukraine allegedly being under foreign governance, as per Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

Also, the channel aired a live "poll" claiming 76% of Ukrainian respondents allegedly backed Vladimir Putin's nomination for the Nobel's Peace Prize. The claim lacked any sufficient backing.