Photo from UNIAN

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says the summit of the Normandy Four leaders (Ukraine, Germany, France and the Russian Federation) may take place in case of a productive meeting of their political advisers.

"As for the advisers' meeting: I will speak frankly – we are looking forward to this meeting. A meeting of advisers is not just when serious people come to talk, we need a meeting to be followed by a result," he said at a joint press conference with President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová in Bratislava on September 24, as reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine on Facebook.

"I don't know when this meeting [of the advisers to the Normandy Four leaders] is to take place. I have information it is being prepared for the near future. I will be frank – I don't know when the leaders are to meet. I know the leaders' meeting will be after a productive meeting of the advisers," Zelensky said.

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Read alsoZelensky's chief of staff: Next meeting of advisers to expedite new Normandy summitNormandy Four: Latest developments

  • On August 22, Zelensky said advisers to the Normandy Four leaders were originally scheduled to meet on August 28, to be followed by a foreign ministers' meeting and a new summit. The countries were to be represented by Deputy Head of Russia's presidential administration Dmitry Kozak, Head of the Ukrainian President's Office Andriy Yermak, aide to the German Chancellor for foreign policy Jan Haecker, and adviser to the French President Emmanuel Bonne.
  • On August 25, it became known that the meeting had been postponed.
  • On September 9, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed Kozak's participation in the Normandy Four advisers' meeting.
  • On September 11, the advisers met in Berlin, the Ukrainian side was represented by Yermak and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Oleksiy Reznikov.