
The Government of Ukraine's Ministry of Social Policy, UNICEF and UNOPS have launched a pilot project to protect the health and well-being of babies across the country.

The caregivers of every newborn in Ukraine will receive a baby box with essential childcare items. The box itself can be used as a cradle and will include a mattress, thermometer, diapers, blankets, baby linens, toiletries and pamphlets with breastfeeding and childcare tips. The boxes are supplied by a Ukrainian company, which creates jobs and supports the local economy, as reported by UNOPS.

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"It is assembled with love, to make sure that the family of a newborn has everything necessary to take care of the child. It is a high-quality box with high-quality content," said Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine.

The baby boxes will go a long way to support low-income families, who often cannot afford to buy many of the items in the box. The informational material will also raise awareness on healthy practices for infant care.

The first 30,000 packages will reach families with new babies by late September. An additional 70,000 boxes will be distributed by the end of this year.

This high-priority initiative is a part of the recently adopted Ukraine National Action Plan on implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

At the request of the Government, UNOPS is supporting the project with the procurement of the baby boxes. Along with partners and experts, UNOPS has identified items for the boxes that will best benefit babies and support their caregivers.

"Employing the highest international standards and led by the best value for money principle, UNOPS has identified and procured the best products for an optimal price. We are proud to support the Government of Ukraine in implementing such a high-profile national priority," said Sergei Volkov, Deputy Head of Office, Head of Programme, UNOPS Ukraine.