The current state of whistleblower protection in Ukraine, as well as the experience of Latvia and the Netherlands as potential models to support the development of a Ukrainian whistleblowing framework were discussed during a workshop in the Ukrainian city of Lviv on January 29.
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After discussing the concept of whistleblowing and the current situation in Ukraine, the recently passed Latvian legislation on whistleblower protection was presented by Janis Veide, an expert from the Latvian Chapter of the Transparency International, EU Neighbours wrote.
The following session was delivered by Piet de Gelder, Advisor on Internal Security and Integrity of the Dutch Police Force, and looked at the experience of the Netherlands as a country that has made substantial progress in the implementation of whistleblower protection.
Organised by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM), the event was the first workshop on whistleblower protection organised by the EUAM in Ukraine's regions.
The EUAM already organised two conferences on whistleblower protection in the country's capital of Kyiv last year.