Aware of the importance of fight against doping in modern sports, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Ukraine together with the National Anti-Doping Center and with the involvement of leading sports medicine specialists, continues to implement an educational program to inform athletes on doping issues.

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A systematic work in this direction was begun on the eve of the III Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires-2018. Within the framework of the program, all future participants of the prestigious sports forum took part in lectures with the participation of specialists from NOC and NADC, having received complete information on doping issues and medical support, according to the Association of National Olympic Committees.

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Currently, the National Olympic Committee continues the implementation of the program with national teams in different sports preparing for 2nd European Games in Minsk.

"The National Olympic Committee of Ukraine takes a strict and principled position of zero tolerance to doping. I am confident that the implementation of this educational program will promote awareness of doping issues and clean sport for our leading Olympians as well as young athletes," said Sergey Bubka, President of the NOC of Ukraine.