A total of 51% of Ukrainians believe that joining NATO is the best security option for Ukraine.
According to a nationwide survey conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies named after Oleksandr Razumkov, this is "the highest share in all polls ever conducted," an UNIAN correspondent reports.
"Some 26% are in favor of non-aligned status, while support for the military alliance with Russia and other CIS countries stands at a 6%," the study says.
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The poll shows there are significant regional differences on the issue: NATO membership is supported in the western (80%) and central (54%) regions, while southern (42%) and eastern (43%) parts of Ukraine opt for Ukraine's neutral status. At the same time, in the eastern regions of Ukraine, only 13% consider the military alliance with Russia and other CIS states the best option for ensuring Ukraine's security.
At the same time, about a third of the population in south and east (34% and 29%, respectively) stand for Ukraine's accession to NATO.
*** The survey was conducted on December 13-18, 2019 among 2,017 respondents over 18 in all regions of Ukraine (except the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic Crimea and Sevastopol). The margin of error does not exceed 2.3%.