Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the first case of coronavirus recovery was recorded in Ukraine.
In his address to Ukrainians, Zelensky said an earlier infected resident of the town of Chernivtsi repeatedly tested negative and is now considered healed.
Zelensky said Ukraine had received the first batch of express tests manufactured by the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
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The president recalled that 10 million high-precision lab tests, 10 artificial lung ventilation machines, 1 million high-protection face masks for doctors and police officers, 400,000 express tests, and 10,000 liters of disinfectant would arrive in Ukraine in the next 48 hours.
As UNIAN reported earlier, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus was recorded late December 2019 in the most populous city of Central China, Wuhan. The World Health Organization recognized it as a global emergency, describing it as a multi-cell epidemic.
To date, 26 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Ukraine, three of which are lethal.
The country has declared a nationwide quarantine, which will last until April 3.