Ukraine's Joint Forces Operation Headquarters (JFO HQ) has announced that the passage of citizens through the line of demarcation at entry/exit checkpoints with Russian-occupied Donbas will be temporarily halted overnight March 22.

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"In order to effectively counteract and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection into the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government, the crossing through the demarcation line of persons and vehicles will be terminated from 00:00 (Kyiv time) on March 22, 2020. The admission of representatives of the monitoring missions of the OSCE, UN, and ICRC will be carried out in line with the established procedure," the JFO HQ wrote on Facebook on March 21.

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In exceptional cases, a person may be given permission to cross the line in critical life circumstances, with supporting documents for such circumstances.

The JFO HQ asks citizens to take the information into account when planning their trips.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers on March 11 decided to introduce quarantine across Ukraine from March 12 to April 3.

As of the morning of March 21, some 41 confirmed cases of the novel COVID-19 coronavirus was reported in Ukraine, including three lethal.